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发布时间:2011-12-20    作者:-    来源:--     浏览次数:

2011127下午,澳大利亚工程院院士,莫纳什大学程一兵教授在中南大学校本部升华楼新前101报告大厅,做了题为“Processing of flexible dye sensitized solar cells on plastic substrates”的专场报告。会后,教授同与会专家和师生开展了有关讨论,现场回答了学生和同行的提问。






Ph.D., University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1989

M. Eng., Wuhan University of Technology, 1983

B. Eng., Wuhan University of Technology, 1978    


Research Interests

·      Advanced Design and Characterisation of Light Alloys

·      Applications of Electron Microscopy and Diffraction and Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy

·      Structure/Property Relationships in Advanced Materials

·      Crystallography of Phase Transformation in Solids

·      Inorganic materials and composites

·      Processing, microstructure development and phase characterisation of ceramic

·      Materials for energy related applications

·      Nanoporous working, counter electrodes and flexible solar cell devices in dye sensitised solar cells


Professional Services

·      Professordepartment of materials engineering , Monash University, Australia

·      Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering

·      Postdoctoral, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, U.K(1889-1991)

·      Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader and Professor at Monash University(1991-)

·      Associate Dean, International of Faculty of Engineering, Monash University (2004 – 2006),

·      Director, Professor, Michael Gratzel Center for Mesoscopic Solar Cells, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China



·      Recipient of the Outstanding Overseas Chinese Scholars Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001

·      Supported by the Thousand Talents Program in China

·      Received a number of joint research grants from the Chinese National Nature Science Foundation


Title for the presentation (1st Forum on the Research and Higher Education for Material Science and Technology, Changsha, China (Dec. 7-9, 2011)

Processing of flexible dye sensitized solar cells on plastic substrates

AbstractOne of the major challenges for making dye sensitised solar cells (DSC) on plastic substrates is the difficulty in making good quality porous TiO2 films. Cold isostatic pressing (CIP) is a powder compaction technique that applies an isostatic pressure to a sample in all directions. Nanocrytalline TiO2 films with excellent mechanical stability were prepared on ITO coated plastic substrates in the absence of organic binders by the CIP technique. The morphology and the physical properties of the TiO2 films can be controlled by changing the parameters of the CIP process. The results show that the CIP process can significantly improve the conversion efficiency (CE) of DSC cells. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis indicates a clear correlation between the CE enhancement and the resistivity reduction in TiO2 films after the CIP compression. Porosity reduction and possibly localized joints between some TiO2 nano-particles in the CIP process are assumed to be responsible for the resistivity reduction of the TiO2 working electrode films. This room-temperature processing technique has led to an important technical breakthrough in producing high efficiency flexible DSCs

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